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Old Dog...New Trick!
KickFire seamlessly integrates into Google Analytics® and shows you the exact companies who are visiting your website, clicking on your AdWords® campaigns and more!

ga kf screenshot
What kind of business intelligence can be integrated into Google Analytics?

Enhance the power of your Google Analytics dashboard and reports by adding KickFire's company firmographics and business intelligence.

  • Company Names & Websites
  • Industry Classifications with SIC and NAICS Codes
  • Company Address & Contact Details
  • Employee Count & Annual Revenue Segmentation
Does this work with Google Tag Manager?

Absolutely! KickFire for Google can seamlessly be integrated into any existing Google Tag Manager container.
Our team is happy to send you the details or jump on a quick screen share to walk you through the configuration.

  • Simple addition of a Custom HTML for Google Tag Manager
  • Merges with your current filters or custom triggers
  • Ability to add Custom Dimensions for each desired data point
  • Combine KickFire data with 10 additional custom fields with the MyAPI feature (ie. account watchlist name, account stage, etc.)
Can I really use this with my Google Analytics account?

Adding deeper B2B intelligence and segmentation is possible for both free and premium Google Analytics users.


  • Desire to kick your analytics up to the next level with KickFire!
  • Universal Google Analytics Account
  • Allows you to add up to 20 Custom Dimensions for standard GA (or 200 for GA Premium users)
  • Add KickFire Custom Dimension code to your current Google Analytics tracking tag
What else does KickFire offer?

KickFire is the leader in IP address intelligence, company identification technology and cloud-based B2B sales automation. The KickFire solutions are powered by TWIN Caching, an advanced, proprietary IP-to-company identification technology.

  • KickFire API uses proprietary IP address intelligence to power applications such as account-based marketing, content personalization, predictive, intent, B2B ad-targeting, and much more.
      Available KickFire API Endpoints:
    • IP2Company - "Translate an IP address to domain and include company firmographics such as, company name, industry, revenue, location, etc."
    • Domain2IP - "Uncover the IP addresses owned/used by this domain"
  • KickFire LIVE Leads taps into your company's invisible pipeline by identifying anonymous web visitors showing buying intent for your products and services, in real-time!
  • KickFire Prospector is a free, powerful Chrome extension designed to find leads, get verified contact information, and push new accounts into your CRM - all without having to leave a website.